Create and manage sales persons in IT4Billing

In this video, we are going to show you how you can create and manage sellers in IT4Billing.

Salespeople are people in your organization who are associated with a customer and a document.

This makes it possible to understand and take stock of the accounting movements related to that person, or the customers assigned to him.

This is something that can be done when creating your customer, but can be edited later in the customer card.

With our program you can create as many sellers as you need, without restrictions.

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Introduza o seu NIF, clique em submeter e sera redirecionado para a sua página de login. 

Nota: O url da sua página de login exclusiva obedece à seguinte estrutura: seu NIF/Login.

Sugerimos que guarde a página de login nos favoritos do seu browser. 


Enter your VAT Number, click submit and you will be redirected to your login page.

Note: Your unique login page url follows the following structure: /Login.

We suggest that you save the login page to your browser’s bookmarks.